Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bajra Barahi

Bajra Barahi the seventeenth century temple without pinnacle is located 8km south of Patan and is among the four famous barahi temples in Nepal. The temple is popular for its amazing spiritual specialities and dedicated to a tantric manifestation of the goddess Kali, like the Vajrayogini, Bajra Barahi represent the female, creative power of divinity.

It is believed that "The leafs surrounding the temples are very mysterious from ancient time. If the leafs are taken out of the temple's premises, they fly back to the spot again. No one nearby the village dares to take the leafs at their home. If someone does, will suffer from unknown illness."

The temple a midst beautiful forest, cool shed, peaceful environment, unique natural flora and fauna, green sceneries and sweet songs of birds, is the perfect harmony of gorgeous nature and masterpiece of human arts.  A huge forest famous for bird watching surrounds the Bajra Barahi temple, a wide variety of birds and around 166 varieties of flora including rare orchids are found in the jungle. Birds like parrots, Bengal Green Pigeon, Black Drongo, Blue-throated Barbet, Crested Serpent Eagle are among the 48 different varieties of birds found.


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